

Legal warning

En cumplimiento de la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de servicios de la sociedad de la información y de comercio electrónico (LSSI), le informamos de que la presente página web  con dirección www.ensospain.com es propiedad de la empresa ENSO JEWELRY S.L con CIF B76593532 domicilio en Calle Guatemala 50. 35210 Telde y correo electrónico info@ensocanarias.com en adelante «la Empresa»,  e inscrita en el Registro mercantil de Santa Cruz de Tenerife al tomo 3263, folio 160, sección 8, hoja TF 51361, inscripción 1.

Condiciones Generales de uso: Las presentes condiciones generales de uso, regulan los términos y condiciones de acceso y uso de este sitio web, propiedad de la Empresa, que el usuario del Portal deberá de leer y aceptar para usar todos los servicios e información que se facilitan desde el portal. El mero acceso y/o utilización del portal, de todos o parte de sus contenidos y/o servicios significa la plena aceptación de las presentes condiciones generales de uso. También regulan el acceso y la utilización del portal, incluyendo los contenidos y los servicios puestos a disposición de los usuarios en y/o a través del portal, bien por el portal, bien por sus usuarios, bien por terceros. No obstante, el acceso y la utilización de ciertos contenidos y/o servicios pueden encontrarse sometido a determinadas condiciones específicas.

Modificaciones: La empresa se reserva la facultad de modificar en cualquier momento las condiciones generales de uso del portal. En todo caso, se recomienda que consulte periódicamente los presentes términos de uso del portal, ya que pueden ser modificados.

Obligaciones del Usuario: El usuario deberá respetar en todo momento los términos y condiciones establecidos en las presentes condiciones generales de uso del portal. De forma expresa el usuario manifiesta que utilizará el portal de forma diligente y asumiendo cualquier responsabilidad que pudiera derivarse del incumplimiento de las normas. Así mismo, el usuario no podrá utilizar el portal para transmitir, almacenar, divulgar promover o distribuir datos o contenidos que sean portadores de virus o cualquier otro código informático, archivos o programas diseñados para interrumpir, destruir o perjudicar el funcionamiento de cualquier programa o equipo informático o de telecomunicaciones.

Propiedad industrial e intelectual: Los contenidos de la página web de la Empresa son propiedad de la Empresa. Por la presente se reserva todo derecho que no se haya otorgado explícitamente. Se prohíbe la reproducción, transferencia, distribución o almacenamiento de los contenidos, ya sea en parte o en su totalidad, por cualquier medio, sin la autorización previa por escrito de la Empresa,   a excepción de lo establecido en las siguientes condiciones. La Empresa le permite navegar por su página web con su ordenador e imprimir copias de extractos de dichas páginas exclusivamente para su uso personal y no para su distribución, salvo en caso de autorización por escrito de la Empresa.

Todos los documentos de nuestra página web pueden estar sujetos a otras condiciones, indicadas en los mismos. Los contenidos de la página web de la Empresa se ofrecen tal y como aparecen y según su disponibilidad. La Empresa no garantiza la ausencia de interrupciones o errores en su página web. 

La Empresa se reserva el derecho de revisar la página o impedir el acceso a dicha página en cualquier momento. La Empresa y sus símbolos son marcas registradas. Otros productos o nombres de empresas mencionados en esta página son o pueden ser marcas registradas de sus respectivos propietarios. 

Responsabilidad: El usuario será el único responsable de las infracciones en que pueda incurrir o de los perjuicios que pueda causar por la utilización de la página web, quedando la Empresa libre de cualquier responsabilidad basada de la utilización del servicio por el usuario, asumiendo el usuario cuantos gastos, costes e indemnizaciones sean solicitados a la Empresa con motivo de reclamaciones o acciones legales. La Empresa declina cualquier responsabilidad respecto a la información que se halle fuera de esta página web y no gestionada directamente por su gestor de página web. 

En el caso de que la Empresa sea advertida de la realización por el usuario, a través de los servicios facilitados por la Empresa de posibles actividades que pudieran ser ilegales contra derechos de terceros o constitutivas de delito, la Empresa podrá rescindir de forma inmediata su relación con el usuario y tomar cuantas medidas sean necesarias para evitar la continuación de tales actividades.

La Empresa no será responsable de posibles daños o perjuicios que se pudieran derivar de interferencias omisiones, interrupciones, averías telefónicas, virus informáticos o desconexiones en el funcionamiento operativo de este sistema electrónico, motivadas por causas ajenas a la Empresa de retrasos o bloqueos en el uso del presente sistema electrónico causados por deficiencias o sobrecargas de líneas telefónicas o sobrecargas en el sistema de Internet o en otros sistemas electrónicos, así como de daños que puedan ser ocasionados por terceras personas mediante intromisiones ilegítimas fuera del control de la Empresa

Links, Banners: En caso de que la web incluya links o enlaces con otros portales, tiene una finalidad meramente informativa, y no supone que la empresa recomiende y/o garantice dichos portales, sobre los que no ejerce control alguno , ni es responsable del mismo.

La Empresa no garantiza, de ningún modo, las condiciones y correcta prestación de los productos o servicios ofertados a los usuarios por terceros, a los que se puede acceder mediante enlaces establecidos en la página web de la Empresa. La Empresa no se responsabiliza del cumplimiento por estos terceros de la normativa vigente en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico y, en especial, de la relativa a protección de datos de carácter personal y comercio electrónico. 

Protección de Menores: Para hacer uso de los servicios de la web, los menores de edad deben obtener previamente el permiso de sus padres, tutores o representantes legales, quienes serán considerados responsables de todos los actos realizados por los menores a su cargo.

Blog: En caso de que la web tenga un apartado Blog, su finalidad es la difusión de los diferentes servicios ofrecidos por la empresa. El titular de la web no se responsabiliza de las opiniones de los usuarios y se reserva los derechos de borrar los comentarios que pudieran resultar ofensivos o denigrantes y bloquear e impedir los futuros comentarios provenientes de los autores de dichos comentarios.

Ley aplicable: La ley aplicable en caso de disputa o conflicto de interpretación de los términos que conforman este aviso legal, así como cualquier cuestión relacionada con los servicios de la presente web, será la ley española. Las partes se someten a la jurisdicción de los Juzgados y Tribunales de la Ciudad de la empresa / profesional propietario de la Web, con renuncia expresa de cualquier otra legislación o fuero que les pudiera corresponder.

Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, las controversias que puedan surgir como consecuencia de las relaciones de comercio que surjan entre las partes podrán someterse al Reglamento UE 524/2013 por el que se regula la resolución extrajudicial de conflictos de conformidad con el contenido del mismo. La Comisión Europea facilita una plataforma de resolución de ligios en línea, la cual se encuentra disponible en el siguiente enlace:  https://ec.europa.eu/info/live-work-travel-eu/consumer-rights-and-complaints/resolve-your-consumer-complaint_es

Terms & Conditions

1.- Purpose and generalities

These General Terms and Conditions of Contracting (hereinafter, the "General Conditions"), together with the particular conditions that may be established, regulate the conditions for purchasing products through the website www.ensojewelry.com (hereinafter, the "Website" or the "Portal"), owned by the company ENSO JEWELRY S.L (hereinafter "Enso Jewelry"), with CIF. B76593532, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, whose fiscal address is located at C/ Guatemala 50, 35210 Telde, Las Palmas G.C.

The use of the services of the Website, as well as the acquisition of any of the offered products, implies the acceptance by the User, without any reservation, of each and every one of these General Conditions. Registering on the Portal and using the services implies that the User's data will become part of Enso Jewelry's files, and their treatment will be in accordance with what is foreseen in the Privacy Policy, which the User expressly acknowledges and accepts.

Enso Jewelry provides information about products, and offers the possibility of purchasing them through the Website. People who intend to purchase products must have the status of “Registered User” or “Guest User”, which is acquired by completing the respective registration form prior to the purchase process and following the steps that Enso Jewelry subsequently communicates through the Site. Web.

These General Conditions, together with the Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy of the Website, are the only conditions applicable to the use of the Portal and the purchase of products through it and replace any other conditions, unless previously agreed and by written between Enso Jewelry and the User. Consequently, the User who accesses the Website, registers and makes the purchase of products through the Portal accepts and is bound by the General Conditions, the Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy as they are written at the time. in which the Website is accessed.

2.- Information about the products

The photographs, graphic representations and videos related to the Enso Jewelry Products, as well as trade names, brands or distinctive signs of any kind contained on the Website, are intended to provide the most information, however, the User must take into account Note that they are not exhaustive.

Enso Jewelry reserves the right to decide, at any time, the products offered to Users through the Portal. In this way, Enso Jewelry may at any time add new products to those included in the Portal, it being understood, unless otherwise provided, that such new products will be governed by the provisions of the General Conditions that are in force at that time.

Likewise, Enso Jewelry reserves the right to stop providing access, at any time and without prior notice, to any of the products offered on the Portal.

The partial cancellation of the order does not give the right to cancel the entire order, without prejudice to the exercise of the right of withdrawal that corresponds to the User in accordance with the provisions of these General Conditions.

3.- Product purchasing system

To proceed with the purchase of the product, the registered or invited User must select the product they wish to purchase and add it to the Shopping Cart. Once the selection of products to be purchased is completed, the User must click the “Next” icon. Next, the products selected for purchase will be indicated and the User must select between sending the products to the address entered in their registration data (being able to choose between any of the addresses contained in their registration data) or collecting the order at one of the Enso Jewelry points of sale available in the screen selection. Finally, the user must click the “Buy” icon.

The User name, email address and password provided to Enso Jewelry are identifying and enabling elements to access and make purchases and are personal and non-transferable. The User name, password and email address may be modified, in which case the modified password, User name and/or email address will lose their validity.

Once the purchase process is completed, Enso Jewelry will send an email confirming receipt of the order to the email provided by the User. The order confirmation sent by Enso Jewelry will not be valid as an invoice, only as proof of purchase. Enso Jewelry will send the User the corresponding invoice within a period of less than thirty (30) days from the execution of the purchase.

4.- Product prices

The prices of the products offered through the Website include all applicable taxes. The shipping costs of the products on behalf of the buyer will be detailed and broken down in the “Shopping Cart” section of the Website.

Enso Jewelry reserves the right to modify the prices reflected on the Website at any time. The products will be invoiced at the current price reflected on the Website, at the time of order registration.

5.- Payment of products

Payment of the price of the purchased goods and the shipping costs, which will appear on the screen, can be made by credit or debit card, through the PayPal system and through other payment systems indicated at any time on the Website. .

To proceed with the payment, the User must follow the instructions that appear on the screen depending on the payment system chosen.

As an electronic payment system, Enso Jewelry is attached to the electronic commerce payment gateway. All data provided for these purposes is encrypted under the SSL (Secure Socket Layers) protocol to guarantee maximum security.

The User must notify Enso Jewelry , through info@ensojewelry .com, of any improper or fraudulent charge in the account provided for purchases on the Website, in the shortest period of time possible, so that Enso Jewelry can carry out the procedures you deem appropriate.

6.- Delivery of the products

Enso Jewelry is obliged to deliver the products purchased by the User in the purchase process in the shortest possible time, and according to the delivery areas detailed on our transport page that can be consulted by clicking here. Delivery will be made to the address indicated for this purpose in the product registration process or picked up at one of the Enso Jewelry points of sale available in the selection screen.

Enso Jewelry will not be responsible for errors or damages caused in the delivery when the delivery address provided by the User does not match the delivery location desired by the User.

7.- Return of products

(i) Right of withdrawal

The User will have a maximum period of fourteen (14) calendar days from the delivery of the product to withdraw, totally or partially, from the purchase of the product, in accordance with applicable legislation.

Once the period of fourteen (14) calendar days has expired, Enso Jewelry will not accept returns due to withdrawal of product purchases.

In the event of withdrawing from the purchase of a product, the User must contact Enso Jewelry by sending an email to info@ensojewelry.com. You can also use the model withdrawal form that is available here

In any case, in the event of withdrawing from the purchase, the following requirements must be met:

1) The product must be in the same condition in which it was delivered and must retain its original labeling.

2) The return to Enso Jewelry must be made using the same box or envelope used in the delivery.

3) A copy of the proof of purchase and the delivery note for the products must be included inside the package, where the returned products and the reason for the return are also indicated.

Returns of orders must be sent to the address of Enso Jewelry,C/ Guatemala 50,35210 Telde, Las Palmas G.C.

The User will assume the return shipping costs in case of exercising the right of withdrawal.

(ii) Return of defective products

Without prejudice to any other rights that may apply, the User will have the right to a refund of the price of defective products or products delivered if they do not correspond to the order placed by the User. Alternatively to the above, the User will have the right to claim, and be delivered, an identical product, in perfect condition.

In the event of return to Enso Jewelry of defective products or products that do not correspond to your order, this must be done by the User using the procedure established in section (i) above, although the User, in this case, must not face the costs of returning said products.

As long as the User has followed the procedure established in section (i) above and the requirements established in this section have been met, Enso Jewelry will refund the price paid corresponding to the returned products that are defective or that do not correspond to the order. products made by the User, in accordance with the provisions of section (iii) below.

In the event of a defective product, the seller must proceed, as appropriate, to repair, replace, reduce the price or terminate the contract, procedures that will be free of charge for the consumer and user. The seller is responsible for any lack of conformity that appears within a period of two years from delivery. The consumer and user must inform the seller of the lack of conformity within two months of becoming aware of it.

(iii) Refund of the price of the products to the User

As long as the User has followed the procedure established in this section and the requirements established therein have been met, Enso Jewelry will refund the price paid by the User corresponding to the returned products. In the event that the return is made in exercise of the User's right of withdrawal described in section (i), Enso Jewelry will not pay or face the return expenses and/or costs.

The User will not have the right to a refund of the price of returned products that are not in the same conditions in which they were delivered, or the requirements established in these General Conditions have not been met.

Partial returns of an order will give rise to a refund of the price corresponding to the product or products actually returned.

Enso Jewelry will manage the order to refund the price through the same payment system used by the User to purchase the products, within a period of fourteen (14) days from the collection of the returned order and once Enso Jewelry has verified that the Products being returned meet the requirements established in sections (i) and (ii) above. The application of the price refund to the User's account will depend on the banking entity.

8.- Modification of the General Conditions

Enso Jewelry reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the Website, as well as the General Conditions. Users will always have these General Conditions in a visible place, freely accessible for any queries they wish to make. Users agree to carefully read these General Conditions every time they access the Website store. In any case, acceptance of the General Conditions will be a prior and essential step to contracting any product available through the Website.

9.- Communications between Enso Jewelry and the User

All communications between Enso Jewelry and the User related to these General Conditions or the acquisition of products through the Website will be made in writing and in accordance with the communication procedures established in these General Conditions for each particular case.

For the rest of the cases that are not expressly regulated in these General Conditions, the communications that the User intends to send to Enso Jewelry will be directed to the Enso Jewelry address indicated in the First Condition and will be made in writing and through a system that allows accreditation. the content and receipt by Enso Jewelry of the corresponding communication.

10.- Integrity of the General Conditions

These General Conditions, the Privacy Policy and the Legal Notice constitute the express and sole will of Enso Jewelry and the User in relation to their object and invalidate and replace any other agreements or contracts, verbal or written, reached by the parties with anteriority.

11.- Partial nullity

In the event that any Clause of these General Conditions is declared void, it will be withdrawn or replaced. In any case, said declaration of nullity will not affect the validity of the rest of the provisions contained in these General Conditions.

12.- Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These General Conditions are governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish law.

The parties submit, at their option, for the resolution of conflicts and waiving any other jurisdiction, to the competent courts and tribunals in accordance with the applicable legislation.